Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance (WMA) will hold its annual Thanksgiving Community Service on Sunday night, Nov. 24 at 6 p.m. at First United Methodist Church of Whitesboro.
The event will be filled with songs from a praise team (made up of members from the alliance’s many churches) led by Pastor Jake Dickerson and sermons from our pastors in the area.
The speakers this year will be Rev. Dana Coker, Pastor of First United Methodist Church Whitesboro and Rev. Mike Flanagan, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Whitesboro.
Following the time of worship will be a time of fellowship with light refreshments provided by the First United Methodist Church.
Everyone in the community is encouraged to attend this special event. It is such a memorable worship service each year.
The Community Thanksgiving Service is a special and unique opportunity for our community because it brings us together as the One Body of Christ to simply worship and praise God together as one church.
It also helps unite our folks in support of the WMA Christmas Basket Program through prayer, volunteer and financial support.
In fact, there will be an opportunity during the service to receive a love offering for the Christmas Basket Program, particularly in the purchasing of food items for the baskets.
This program on Dec. 14, in partnership with Whitesboro Fire Department, Whitesboro ISD, local churches and residents, will help in assembling and passing out these baskets to over 100 families in our surrounding area.
Food distribution is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14 beginning at 8 a.m. at the First Baptist Church Christian Life Center.
If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation, please send your offering to Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance, 124 Center St. or call 903-564-3546 for more information.