On Monday, April 29, 11 members of the West Grayson Retired School Personnel Association (WGRSPA) attended their District 10 Leadership Conference at Region 10 Educational Service Center in Richardson.
With the theme “World of Opportunities” and Kentucy Derby attire (with lots of fascinators and fashionable hats on display), the year in review was celebrated. Members attending included Sue Barker, Sharon Lively, Carol Pike, Mary Nan Story, Wanda Dutton, Doris Haney, Cladene Belcher, Sharon Golden and T. R. Fletcher. District 10 President Gary Schepf greeted chapter attendees from the respective 21 Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) local chapters that comprise District 10. Frana Patterson, newly elected 1st VP of TRTA, reported on news from the recent TRTA Convention held in Corpus Christi and Executive Director Tim Lee’s 20 years of service to TRTA. Patterson gave an update on the status of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) federal legislation that affects the Social Security benefits for TRS retirees and other government employees.
Attendees then enjoyed a slideshow featuring the various chapters’ activities as they advocated for the passage of Proposition 9 this last legislative session.
With the successful passage of Proposition 9, most TRS retirees received a much needed cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the first time in 20 years. District 10 Legislative Chairperson, Thomas Poore, reminded members of the need to continue this advocacy for TRTA priorities and to vote in the coming elections.
Certificates for achievements were awarded to various chapters and individuals with three members of WGRSPA being recognized: Wanda Dutton and T.R. Fletcher as “Stars of District 10” for outstanding service; Carol Pike for most steps walked in WGRSPA Category 3 of the “Walk Across Texas” activity sponsored by Texas A&M Agri Life; and T.R. Fletcher, “Heartbeat Award-Leadership, Membership and Legislative.”
President Schepf presented an animated video entitled “Why the Mission, How the Mission.” This presentation featured reports from the project committees. TRTA chapters are very active in their communities with volunteerism, and community service. One such project, the Children’s Book project, donates books which the children keep. Chapters in District 10 donated 21,667 books this past year in their communities. (See page 1 of this issue of the News-record for more details.)
Attendees honored Mary Helen Cornish from Allen REA for her 15 years serving as the District 10 Treasurer. A video glimpse of Cornish through the years was a delightful reminder of the service that she has given to District 10 all these years. As outgoing president, Schepf was honored and presented a plaque thanking him for his past two years as president of District 10. He was also congratulated on being elected TRTA State Secretary/Treasurer for the 2024-2026 term at last month’s convention in Corpus Christi.
Concluding the meeting, officers of District 10 for the 2024-2026 term were installed as follows: President Susan McDaniel; 1st VP Cori Pratt; 2nd VP Karol Kuykendall; Recording Secretary Vicki Ryan; Corresponding Secretary Judy Blair; Treasurer Karen Malinowsky.
TRTA is the state organization for retired public school personnel. Its retirement fund is managed by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), but the fund is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Legislature.
All public school employees are encouraged to join TRTA to stay informed regarding their annuities and healthcare benefits. Any persons that are interested in education or want to support these retirees can join as associate members. West Grayson RSPA is comprised of retirees from S&S, Tioga, Whitesboro and Collinsville and encourages all retirees to become members of TRTA.