At their Feb. 6 meeting, held at La Hacienda in Whitesboro, the West Grayson Retired School Personnel Association (WGRSPA) welcomed guest speaker Texas State Representative Reggie Smith.
Smith discussed his campaign and the need for voters to look at who is paying for campaign materials they receive in order to evaluate its merit.
At this meeting, Smith was introduced to Ruth Richie, a WISD retiree and member of WGRSPA.
Richie and member Nelma Underwood (who was unable to attend the meeting) are inspirations to retired educators because of their dedication to calling state legislators last year enlisting support for the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment).
The COLA has now been added to qualified Texas retired educators’ pensions.
Richie made 70 calls to people explaining why the COLA was needed.
At the meeting, Smith thanked Richie for her active, continuing support of education and its retirees.
Following Smith’s presentation, Master Gardener Bobbie Erwin gave an informative program, “Texas Perennials for our Landscapes.”