Filing for local municipal elections (city council and school board) ended Friday, Feb. 14 at 5 p.m. and several candidates will run unopposed.
The Whitesboro City Council has four seats open for election. Mayor David Blaylock’s two-year term ends this year, and Jeff Butts, Senior Vice President at Whitesboro’s First State Bank, has filed unopposed. The two-year seats of aldermen Carla Woolsey and Su Welch will be up for re-election (both incumbents have filed), and Eddie Gill, former WISD Athletic Director, has filed to run. Alderman John Moore filed to keep his one-year seat and will run unopposed.
The Whitesboro Independent School District’s board of trustees has two seats to fill, each one a three-year term. The terms of Shannon Blake and Michael Parish are both coming to an end. In addition to the two incumbents, Brittany Knight, Keri Downs and former school board trustee Eddie Wood have filed to run as well.
Voting for all Whitesboro seats will be held at City Hall on Main Street. Watch for information to come regarding a Meet the Candidates event for Whitesboro candidates hosted by the News-Record.
In Collinsville, terms for Mayor Derek Kays and aldermen Benny McKee and Steve Ritchey are ending. Alderman Chase Guidera has filed, unopposed, for mayor and Ritchey has filed to keep his seat. This leaves one two-year seat available for an appointment, as well as the remainder of Guidera’s alderman term. As a result, there will be no election.
The CISD school board will see Place 6 (Janett Crisp) and Place 7 (Bailey Lahr) seats open, each one a three-year term. Ronnie O’ Neal Sr. is running for Place 6 unopposed, and incumbent Lahr will keep her seat. There will be no election.
At S&S CISD, incumbent Brad Colwell has filed to maintain his Place 2 seat, and Cameron Fisher and Jeffrey McSpedden have filed for Place 7 (currently held by Saundra Hinsley).
Voting for this should be available at Southmayd Elementary, but a confirmed location will be announced as election day draws near.
Early voting will be from Tuesday, April 22 to Tuesday, April 29. Election day is Saturday, May 3.