Recently I watched someone climb a tree. I vividly remember getting my first stitches as a young child as a result of falling out of a tree. I have long desired to venture up higher again, but have faithfully kept my feet on the ground and out of the branches.
As I watched this skilled climber and understood his motive and his objective, I noticed that he was harnessed to the trunk of the tree and connected by a large rope. His task was to cut out and remove dead or damaged limbs from the middle of this healthy tree.
Within his reach was a saw and more rope. He attached the extra rope to the freed limbs, and his groundman used the other end to pull the freshly cut brush from the midst of the full and lush, green tree.
From this position high up in the greenery, the climber moved from one area to another in search of damaged, sick or dead limbs. Gone unnoticed, these would eventually affect the health and life of the tree.
As he discovered these troublemakers, he moved into place with purpose and skill, while staying tethered to the trunk of the tree.
Holy Spirit began to unfold the principles of this process in my life. Jesus said that He is the vine and we are the branches. We must abide in Him. Even the branches that bear fruit, God
will prune so that they can bear even more fruit. (John 15:1-2)
Weeds in a garden seem to grow much faster than the plants. This is often because the weeds expend no energy in growing produce; all their energy goes into growing taller.
And when they are allowed to tower above the plant, they “steal” the sunlight and eventually choke out the fruitfulness and prosperity of the more beneficial plants.
When unhealthy and unproductive “weeds” are allowed to exist among my life, they will steal from me. As I examine my own sprouts and boughs, I must be willing to be honest with myself and hear when Holy Spirit points to an undergrowth of negativity that needs to go. Devastating mistletoe can disguise itself as desirable, but its presence left unhindered can take
over and choke out the leaves that provide life for myself and shade for others.
In other instances, there are areas in my tree that are damaged or broken that need to be plucked out. When these dead areas are allowed to remain, they take up valuable space that should be filled with growing branches and flourishing leaves.
As Holy Spirit climbs throughout our lives, we must give him full access. We respond to His leading to cut loose what He identifies, but only while staying connected to the trunk, the Father.
Our rope of faith is our binding and our reinforcement that holds us fast to the truth and protects us from tumbling into unsafe territory.
Ultimately, it is our own choices that act as the saw to disassemble, cut off and release the dead weight. Finally, we rely on community to serve as our groundman, assisting us in completion of each removal project. James 5:16 reminds us that when we walk in humility and transparency with brothers and sisters, we find healing.
When we submit to this process, together with Holy Spirit, we pull down strongholds and release ineffective waste from our lives, making way for God to grow and expand His life-giving goodness in us.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. (James 5:16)
Penny Renfroe is the Associate Pastor at OneChurch in Whitesboro and the author of “Threads of the Father,” a daily devotional.